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Home >  Sustainability >  Society >  Respect for Human Rights and Labor Practices

Respect for Human Rights and Labor Practices

Ban on Child and Forced Labor

Aicello respects human rights as stipulated in the International Bill of Human Rights, ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and others. In addition, we comply with the laws and regulations of each country and region we conduct business in, respect the principles of human rights, and prohibit all forms of child and forced labor, including slavery and human trafficking.

Anti-Harassment Policy

Aicello understands that harassment is a serious human rights problem that harms the dignity of our employees and deteriorates the working environment. We do not condone any harassment, and strive to create a safe and comfortable working environment where all employees can mutually respect each other.
  1. Create an organization that respects human rights and individuality and accepts the diverse values of individuals.
  2. Create a corporate culture that does not allow or condone any harassment.
  3. Improve all employees' awareness of harassment and ability to address it.