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Home >  Sustainability >  Environment >  Decarbonization Efforts >  Resource Circulation

Resource Circulation

Aicello aims to practice zero emission activities from the moment we purchase materials to the time we dispose of waste.

Green Procurement

We produce products based on green procurement and actively introducing environment-friendly products at the time of purchasing materials.

Effective Use of Energy

We take materials that are difficult to use for recyclable resource and use them effectively as heat or other sources of energy. Approximately 2% of materials from the entire company are being disposed of as waste.

Separation of Waste

Plastic waste sold as "recyclable waste"

Aicello's production department and indirect departments generate waste through production. The waste is separated into several categories and reused effectively as materials.

Recycling of Cooling Water

Cooling tower

As a water conservation measure, water used to cool manufacturing or ancillary equipment are cooled inside a cooling tower or chiller to be reused as a cooling water.

Use of Rainwater as Cooling Water

In order to use water resources effectively, we have a system in which we use gray water or rainwater for applications that don't require pure water. The use of gray water includes cooling water used in plants which are used for flushing toilets, cleaning, or other applications in our office buildings.